After three great years as a part of the CWE family at First Baptist Mauldin, we decided that it would be best for the girls to move preschools. On Friday February 8th, it was a tearful goodby for me to some of the teachers we had grown to love, like Mrs. Teresa (who had been in the infant room since Emily was there) and Mrs. Tasha (Emily's 2K teacher). Althoguh we thought the move was best for the girls, it is still hard to say goodby to those you love.

On Monday February 11th, John and I drove the girls to their new school, Palmetto Prep. When we arrived

Emily seemed very excited. As we came in, we first spoke with one of the director's staff to get any last minute details, including our door codes. As is turned out we had grown up together in Sugar Creek. It is quite a small world. She the took us to their class where we met their teachers. who all seemed very nice. After droppong off Ansley and Bailey, John and I took Emily to her class. She was very excited and it was had to get a hug and a by. She was off and playing.

When I arrived to pick the girls up in the afternoon, they seem to have all had great days. Emily was very excited about all that she did and learned, And the babies seem to be thriving.