In March and September of each year, the
Greenville Mother's of Multiples Club puts on a consignment sale.
Although, I have been a member of the club since prior to the twins birth, this was my first sale to be very involved. I had worked a shift at the March 2007 sale, but starting in July 200

7, I took over as the Treasurer of the club, therefore I was much more involved in preparing for the sale and the full process. A couple of weeks before the sale, the
GMOMC board met for a board meeting at Atlanta Bread Company on
Woodruff Rd for a meeting to discuss the sale and other club business. It was fun to get together with the girls and see all that goes into getting ready for this event. Leading up to the sale my duties
primarily involved making sure all the members had paid their dues since on
Friday night of the sale, only members are allowed to shop.
Although it sounds like it should be no big deal, there was a lot of
chasing people down that had signed up to consign at the sale to get them to pay their dues. In addition, I had a lot of baby stuff that I was ready to sale, so it took several weeks leading up to the sale to get everything tagged and ready to sell. On
Friday morning I got up, got the kids off to school, and then started loading up my car with all my stuff for the sale and tagging a few last minute items. After everything was loaded, I took a shower, and then went to the bank in order to get all of the bills and change that we needed for the sale. This was
defiantly an interesting event. When I went to the Sun Trust in
Mauldin, I went up to the teller and told her the break out I needed for the $1000 in cash I needed to take to the sale. She went on and on about it and
eventually had to get the branch manager to go to the vault to get all the ones I needed. In all it took about 45 minutes at the bank to simply get some change. After getting the change, I ran through the drive through at Sonic to get something to eat a
nd headed for Augusta Height's Baptist Church. When I arrived, Lisa Cox, Amy
Dishner, and Leah Howard were there. We ran through some stuff, I set up the table for people checking in, and people for the set up shift started to arrive. We started setting up by moving out the tables for the various items, setting up chairs at the front, and then Leah made it back to the church with the truck with the racks. Throughout the afternoon we finished setting up the guy, until around 4 when people were arriving to drop off their stuff. During the drop off, Jennifer Osborne and I maned the table at the entrance. I was working on making sure people had paid their dues and getting them to sign their seller contracts. Jennifer was working on getting
everyone's personal info updated and getting them to update their experience (we wanted to get a complete listing for the website that included stuff like who had kids in the
NICU, what type of twins, etc). It was very busy getting everyone checked in and before we knew it it was 6 and it was time to close the doors. so we could do the final set up for the sale. At that time, Jennifer and I made our way outside the church to where the very long line for entering the sale had formed. We spent the next hour making sure everyone paid their dues and updated their information. In order for everyone to enter, they were given a number noting the order they were able to go in as we checked
em in. We almost made it to the back of the line by 7 when the doors opened and they started letting in all the members. Jennifer and I
hurried to finish checking the last couple in and then rushed in. The reason we were in a big hurry to get in is that it is first come first serve and the people that get in first are able to get the best stuff. The night was a
worldwin of quickly selecting my stuff and then floating
around the church to help where I was needed. It was around 10:45pm when we were closing up the church and then us girls headed to Cheers on Augusta Rd to get something to eat. By the time I was able to settle down for the night, it was almost 1:00 am. The girls were spinning the night with my mom so as soon as I was able to get up and take a shower, I headed back to the church to help out with the public portion of the sale. As things were wrapping up, I started counting all the money, made up the deposit, and headed for
SunTrust in
Simpsonville (it was the closest one open on a Saturday) before it was closing at 2. It was such a large amount of cash, so it was a little unsettling to go to the bank, but I made it there without a hitch and made the deposit. Afterwards I headed to Mom's to pick up the girls. It was all a lot of fun, but
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