On Thursday morning the girls and I work up, I fed the babies, and then I made pancakes for Emily and I. Once we got ready, we made our way over to Gran's apartment to check on John, he spent the night there after having his tonsils out Wednesday morning. After the doctors warning, we were all expecting that he would be having a rough time, but he was doing great!!! When we arrived at Gran's apartment, John was sleeping so the girls and I went down to Granny's apartment to check on things. At Granny's apartment she was finishing up cooking Thanksgiving lunch. All the girls really enjoyed getting down and playing. After a little bit, we were very surprised to see John walking through the door. He had woken up and decided to come visit since he was feeling ok. He was doing so well he decided to try some of the dressing and gravy that was ready. After eating some, John sat with us for a while. I fed Ansley and Bailey. Although Ansley was not in to Thanksgiving food, our little eater Bailey loved it!!! She ate a bunch of dressing and some turkey. Emily would not eat Thanksgiving food ether, so she enjoyed a very festive peanut butter sandwich. After the kids were fed and were playing, I enjoyed some turkey, dressing, and gravy. It was very good!! Before long, the kids were getting tired, so we headed to the house for them to take naps. After naps and doing some stuff around the house,
we headed back to check on John around 5. John was still doing really well!! We visited at Gran's for a while. Emily was even won over by Gran. Normally she is too scared of him, but he called her and offered her some candy and she was willing to go visit him. It was really sweat. She even fed him a piece of fudge that Emily and I had made for them Wednesday night. After a while, John, Granny, Emily, Ansley, Bailey, and I headed to Granny's apartment. We played there for a while, ate and visited. Around 6:30, PaPa came in from the house (Gran, Granny, and PaPa are moving into a house in Mauldin and he has been working to get it ready for them to move in). He played with the girls for a while, until it was time for us to head home.

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