Saturday, May 17, 2008

Atlanta Braves vs. Oakland A's Game in Atlanta 5-17-08

After we went back to the hotel and got ready, we all loaded up into the various vehicles and drove to the ball park. When we arrived, Daddy came around to the will call window with Emily and I while the other went on in and found their seats. Since it was only at the last minute that I saw Emily and I would be able to go, we had to pick our tickets up the night of the game.

Once we got thought the long line to get our tickets we all headed in to the game. We had great seats down on the lower deck. When we made it to our seats, we joined the group.

While we were at the park, we enjoyed a variety of tasty treats, chatted, watched the game, went to get Emily a pink ball and bat, and even enjoyed a good dance =)

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