On Wednesd

ay afternoon, August 13th, I made my way over to Palmetto Prep around 2:30. Since this was the last week Emily's classmates would all be together before kids moved up into the other building for the older pre-k class, they were hav

ing a "Moving Up" party. When I arrived, Mom was there along with some of the other parents. Emily was having a great time. Since it was gymnastics day, she had on her leotard and told me all about what she had done in gymnastics. It was getting close to time for the kids to eat. The night before, Emily and I made cupcakes with pink icing and sprinkles for her party. She is really growing up, because this time when we made cupcakes she iced half of the cupcakes herself as opposed to just helping me a little and putting on the sprinkles. After the plates were handed out, Emily very proudly h

elped hand out her cupcakes. All her friends were very excited about getting them. The kids started to dig in as the teachers and parents helped hand out the other goodies. While the kids ate, us parents talked some. After Emily was through, she c

leaned up her plate and then the two of us went over to the kitchen area to play. We had a great time playing. After we played for a long time, we got her stuff and headed to pick up the little ones from their class.
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