At 2:30, I showed up at Emily

class. The kids had just gone to art and I was there to help Mrs. Annette with the decorations for the Class Halloween Party. Since I thought Emily would like it and we were heading straight to Marna's afterwards, I came in my Dorothy costume. When I arrived, Mrs.
Annette told me that Emily had
accidentally stepped on her dress on the play ground and it had ripped along the middle since it was delicate fabric. Luckily, she was able to get some safety pins from Mrs. Taylor and do a temporary fix to save the day =) After the decorations were up and the food was out, the kids headed back in from art. Emily was excited to see me and we went to the bathroom so we could get her dress on for the party. When we came out, I helped her fix her plate. She was very excited about all the goodies. Especially the cupcakes and the chips. I helped her to her seat and her and her friend Jackson "Batman" wanted their picture taken. Too cute =) Us parents that were
ere helped other kids get their plates and helped pass out the drink while the kids
enjoyed their goodies.
Before long, Ms. Doyle came in to visit. She was dressed as Mr. Brad (the general manager). The kids got a big laugh out of that one!! After all the kids were done with their snacks, it was time to start the pin the face on the pumpkin game. The kids all took turns getting blindfolded and putting a piece of the face on. They loved it. In addition, they also enjoyed going through their
goodie bags and seeing their treats. (Like they were not high enough on sugar at that point =) Ha Ha) Since it was about time for Ansley

and Bailey's party to start I mentioned to Emily that I needed to go to their party also and that she had the option of staying at her party, that was really about done, or going with me. She chose to go with me, so she said he goodbyes and we hurried up to the little ones party

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