On Friday morning, October 30th, after dropping Ansley and Bailey off in their class, Emily and I headed to the Primary School building. Once Mrs. Ross started class we all headed outside for a few pictures, since we needed them for one of the class party crafts. After we were done with the pictures, I headed to pick up the streamers and balloons. Also, I dropped off the pictures and picked up on the way back to the school after lunch. When I arrived the kids were having their scavenger hunt. This gave the perfect opportunity to decorate. Slowly parents funneled in and also helped blow up the balloons and get the food set up.

Once the kids arrived back they all headed to their places and we started serving the goodies. While we were doing so, Daddy arrived to join in the festivities. The kids really enjoyed their goodies and when they were finished we got set up for our crafts. Our first craft was putting together the Halloween picture frames. While we were working on them, Mom arrived from work to also join in. The kids really had fun with the frames. Afterwards we moved on to their necklaces. Before long it was a few minutes to three so while they were finishing up, I told Emily I was headed over to Ansley and Bailey's party and mom would stay with Emily to collect her stuff. Daddy and I then headed right over to the little ones class so I could make it to theirs also.
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