On Sunday afternoon, November 29th the five of us piled in the truck and headed over the hills and through the woods to Mayland Tree Farm for out second annual cutting of the Christmas Tree. After a short drive to Ware Shoals, we arrived at Mayland and piled out of the truck in search for the perfect tree. We were given our saw and a brief update on the types of trees and where to find them before we were off down the gravel road.
First stop was at the cut outs of animals where the kids enjoyed sticking their heads through for pictures. Next we were off to see the various real animals. The was a gigantic pig up first. The twins were in awa. After we hd viewed the pig, we looked at the gigantic turkey, chickens, bunnies, etc before heading to the trees.
We briefly looked at some on the right hand side of the path, but they were really prickely so we ventured on. Then we made it to another section with cypreses and some that looked frosted. After some wandering around, I happen to see a great deal on one of the cypresses that was only $15 due to the fact it had two main top stems. Although I was sold, I though in the spirit of Christmas we should keep looking. We really looked at the frosted ones since it would be different. However when we got down to letting the girls pick what they wanted, Emily said she didn't want such a high number on the tag (meaning $40+ was too much). She wanted to find the $15 tree. We really tried to encourage her to find what she liked since Christmas only comes around once a year, but she was sold on the $15. After a big search we found it again. It was too funny when John said the apple din't fall far from the tree with Emily. I do love a deal =)
Once all the kids were set on the tree John proceeded to cut it down and we then drug it to the road for the person to pick up. Once they picked up our tree to take it back to prepare it, we started back up the road. The girls really enjoyed collecting rocks and making a stop by the camp fire. After we had played around, we headed into the little store to pay for our tree and for the girls to get their candy canes. Once we were done, we loaded up the tree and we off to the house.
After dinner and baths, we worked for a while getting the tree steady. Monday night decorating, here we come.