Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Emily's 1st Soccer Practice
After seeing a demo at School, Emily decided she would like to give soccer a try. On a cool, Thursday afternoon in February, Emily had her first Soccer Shots class at Palmetto Prep. When the twins and I arrived, they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Ansley and Bailey were closly watching the 1st big practice.
Ansley and Bailey were closly watching the 1st big practice.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Emily's Valentines Party at Palmetto Prep
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Emily's 1st Bank Account
On Friday afternoon, January 22nd, I took Emily to Greenville First to open her first bank account. The excitement had been building for her and she was pleasantly surprised by the big fan fair the Bank made for her. When we arrived, everyone knew who she was and being Emily, she asked "how do you know my name"? In a very cute, and shocked way =) She had been saving her coins and bills for a while, so Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Allison helped her roll all of her change. (I had discussed us bringing it that way, but Emily really wanted to bring her bank as it was.) Once they had rolled all her change ($67), I had prommised her that I would match everything she had in her bank so I wrote her a check to go with her coins and bills. Afterwards she proceeded to Mrs. Liz's office where she signed all of her important papers. Mrs. Allison then proceeded to take Emily to the Pineapple Stool where she could give her money to the teller. After getting her official receipt and sticker, she then proceeded with Mrs. Allison to the "Treasure Box" where she where she was able to use the key to open it and pick out her prize.
It was a great experience that left Emily wanting to go back to the Bank all the time =)

It was a great experience that left Emily wanting to go back to the Bank all the time =)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Emily, Ansley, and Bailey's Birthday Party 2009
On the afternoon of December 5, 2009 we dressed the girls in their birthday outfits. Then John and Emily left to pick up the cakes and ice on the way to the party and the twins and I left to pick up the pizza.
When we arrived at Sports Club Kids we happen to run in to Leslie and Blake on the way in. We all checked in and the girls, Blake, and Leslie headed to one of the game rooms while John started unloading the car and I started setting up some of our stuff. While we were getting ready, one of the party coordinators helped the girls with putting their hand prints in paint on the "Wall of Fame".
Before we knew it guest started heading in and the kids had a great time playing in the various rooms. When it was time to start the activities the party coordinators started with the giant parachute. The kids had a great time running under it, bouncing stuff on it, and playing. One of the parachute games was to run under when your birthday month was called. They started with the birthday girls and then moved on by months. It was so cute that Bailey would run under every time. She liked to think it was always her birthday =)
After we were done with the parachute games, we divided up into two groups. John, Emily, and Ansley were in one group with lots of friends while Bailey and I were in another group. John's group stayed in the main room while Bailey's group and I headed into the art room. While we were in there the girls made princess crowns by coloring with markers, gluing beads, and gluing jewels on them and the boys made wooden cars.
Out in the main room the kids had a blast playing musical dress up, dancing, and other various games. Once the two groups were done with their activities, we rotated so that all the groups had time in the main room, the art room, and the gym where they went through the Dora the Explorer obstacle course. Once the activities finished up we all headed for the party room where the kids ate pizza, cheese balls, and juice boxes. Once the food was finished we took turns singing "Happy Birthday". This year we started with Bailey since the prior year we went in birth order.
After cake, all the kids disbursed to play in the various rooms until the party was done. The kids were having such a blast it was hard to pull them away.
Once the car was loaded we headed to Simpsonville to meet up with John, Emily, and Walker at McDonald's for the wind down after party. The kids had fun running around and even having a second dinner.
After McDonald's we headed home where the kids started in on the massive pile of presents.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Emily's 6th Birthday
When it was time to wake up Emily for school, the twins and I went in her room and sang Happy Birthday while she was still in bed. Emily got a huge kick out of that. Since it was a school day, it was then time to rise and shine, get dressed, breakfast, and then it was off to school. When we arrived at school, we took the twins to their class and then headed to the Primary School building. Emily was excited to take in the cupcakes that we made the night before and show them to Mrs. Ross.
Luckily, John was off work early so we were both able to pick Emily up in the car pool line. Emily was very excited to see us and also wound up from the birthday excitement and cupcakes. She told us all about having a great day on our way to McDonalds. When we arrived at McDonalds, we got her happy meal and headed out to the play ground to open gifts. She was very excited about her charm bracelet and DSi.
After we were done at McDonalds, we headed back to the school to get the twins before heading home to get ready for the play. Once we were ready, Emily and I headed to Red Robbin for dinner. Daddy joined us for dinner. Emily was so excited about the waiters coming to sign and bring ice cream. After we were done, Emily and I headed downtown to the Peace Center for the Childrens Theater production of "Dear Santa". Emily had a fabulous time at the play. She was so excited to see her friend Kathryn Brockman and was thrilled to see Ms. Tracye (her drama teacher) in the show. She would point out every time Tracye would come on stage. It was topped off by getting to see Tracye after the show in her costume and getting her to sign her program.
I think she had a fabulous birthday.
Luckily, John was off work early so we were both able to pick Emily up in the car pool line. Emily was very excited to see us and also wound up from the birthday excitement and cupcakes. She told us all about having a great day on our way to McDonalds. When we arrived at McDonalds, we got her happy meal and headed out to the play ground to open gifts. She was very excited about her charm bracelet and DSi.
After we were done at McDonalds, we headed back to the school to get the twins before heading home to get ready for the play. Once we were ready, Emily and I headed to Red Robbin for dinner. Daddy joined us for dinner. Emily was so excited about the waiters coming to sign and bring ice cream. After we were done, Emily and I headed downtown to the Peace Center for the Childrens Theater production of "Dear Santa". Emily had a fabulous time at the play. She was so excited to see her friend Kathryn Brockman and was thrilled to see Ms. Tracye (her drama teacher) in the show. She would point out every time Tracye would come on stage. It was topped off by getting to see Tracye after the show in her costume and getting her to sign her program.
I think she had a fabulous birthday.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Tree Time 2009
On Sunday afternoon, November 29th the five of us piled in the truck and headed over the hills and through the woods to Mayland Tree Farm for out second annual cutting of the Christmas Tree. After a short drive to Ware Shoals, we arrived at Mayland and piled out of the truck in search for the perfect tree. We were given our saw and a brief update on the types of trees and where to find them before we were off down the gravel road.
First stop was at the cut outs of animals where the kids enjoyed sticking their heads through for pictures. Next we were off to see the various real animals. The was a gigantic pig up first. The twins were in awa. After we hd viewed the pig, we looked at the gigantic turkey, chickens, bunnies, etc before heading to the trees.
We briefly looked at some on the right hand side of the path, but they were really prickely so we ventured on. Then we made it to another section with cypreses and some that looked frosted. After some wandering around, I happen to see a great deal on one of the cypresses that was only $15 due to the fact it had two main top stems. Although I was sold, I though in the spirit of Christmas we should keep looking. We really looked at the frosted ones since it would be different. However when we got down to letting the girls pick what they wanted, Emily said she didn't want such a high number on the tag (meaning $40+ was too much). She wanted to find the $15 tree. We really tried to encourage her to find what she liked since Christmas only comes around once a year, but she was sold on the $15. After a big search we found it again. It was too funny when John said the apple din't fall far from the tree with Emily. I do love a deal =)
Once all the kids were set on the tree John proceeded to cut it down and we then drug it to the road for the person to pick up. Once they picked up our tree to take it back to prepare it, we started back up the road. The girls really enjoyed collecting rocks and making a stop by the camp fire. After we had played around, we headed into the little store to pay for our tree and for the girls to get their candy canes. Once we were done, we loaded up the tree and we off to the house.
After dinner and baths, we worked for a while getting the tree steady. Monday night decorating, here we come.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
UMOMC Moms Night out at Cafe and Then Some
For the November 2009 Moms Night Out, all of us UMOMs headed to Cafe and Then Some for the Christmas Show. Before hand I headed to McAlisters to meet up with a few of the UMOMmies for dinner and then off to the Show. When we arrived out group was starting to gather at our tables. It was lots of fun and the show was halarious!!

Pumpkin Time
Cafe and Then Some,
Upstate Mothers of Multiples Club
Saturday, November 7, 2009
UMOMC Fall Party at Nivens Apple Farm 11.7.09

On Saturday November 7th, the twins and I headed to Niven's Apple Fram for the Upstate Mothers of Multiples Fall 2009 family social event. When we arrived we saw Katie Lynes and Jenny Bhati's groups in the parking lot. All the kids said hi and then we headed over to the area where kids could jump. They all enjoyed playing in that area for a while. After the kids had played for a little bit we all headed to the picnic shelter where we took turns intorducing ourselves an our family. Then we all headed to the tractor to take a ride around the property.
After the tractor ride we all walked around, visited, and the kids played.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ansley and Bailey's Halloween Party 2009
After leaving Emily's Halloween party, Daddy and I headed over to the twins party. When we arrived it was almost time to start a m
arching song. I marched with the girls around the room and then once it was over, all the little ones got in their chairs while the teachers and parents passed
out their goodies. The little ones dove in to their fruit, chicken nugets, and chectos. To top it off, the goodies were finished up with cup cakes. Around that time, Mom and Emily arrived over at the party. We played for a little while, the teachers handed out their various treat bags and then we all headed out. 

Emily's Halloween Party 2009

On Friday morning, October 30th, after dropping Ansley and Bailey off in their class, Emily and I headed to the Primary School building. Once Mrs. Ross started class we all headed outside for a few pictures, since we needed them for one of the class party crafts. After we were done with the pictures, I headed to pick up the streamers and balloons. Also, I dropped off the pictures and picked up on the way back to the school after lunch. When I arrived the kids were having their scavenger hunt. This gave the perfect opportunity to decorate. Slowly parents funneled in and also helped blow up the balloons and get the food set up.

Once the kids arrived back they all headed to their places and we started serving the goodies. While we were doing so, Daddy arrived to join in the festivities. The kids really enjoyed their goodies and when they were finished we got set up for our crafts. Our first craft was putting together the Halloween picture frames. While we were working on them, Mom arrived from work to also join in. The kids really had fun with the frames. Afterwards we moved on to their necklaces. Before long it was a few minutes to three so while they were finishing up, I told Emily I was headed over to Ansley and Bailey's party and mom would stay with Emily to collect her stuff. Daddy and I then headed right over to the little ones class so I could make it to theirs also.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pumpkin Time at the Mauldin Market and Painting-Carving Pumpkins 2009
On Saturday morning we got up and headed over to the Mauld
in Market after breakfast. While we were there all the girls got to pick out 2 little pumpkins each and two
for Ali also. In addition to each of their little ones we all walked around to find one we could carve.
After leaving the Mauldin Market we headed over to the Jefferson's. After saying hello we headed outside with Ali and the girls. Once we had everything set up all the girls had a great time getting to paint their li
ttle pumpkins. Once they were done painting John started with the big pumpkin to open the top and then all the girls got to take turns helping get the middl
e cleaned out. Once it was cleaned John carved the
face while Bailey painted some more and we worked on getting the seeds out of the middle part to bake.
After leaving the Mauldin Market we headed over to the Jefferson's. After saying hello we headed outside with Ali and the girls. Once we had everything set up all the girls had a great time getting to paint their li
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Boo in the Zoo 2009

Once we had gotten our bag and were in the Zoo the kids were ready to Trick or Treat. The little ones did not really remember what we were talking about until the first candy station when it came back like it was yesterday, but Emily knew right away what was happening. What a difference each year makes =) After we went thr

After making it to the end we headed out to the park to play for a little bit before heading home for dinner.
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