Today was Emily's 4
th birthday. In ways it is hard to believe four years has passed by so quickly, but yet so much has happened as we have watched Emily grow into a little girl =) Birthdays are always a time of reflection. This birthday of Emily's makes me think of this time four years ago and how much our lives were changing and how much we had no idea of the happiness and hard work that was to come.
To start the day out, John and I got up at our normal time, 5:45 to get ready and woke Ansley and Bailey at 6:30 to get ready for school. Around 7:10 Emily work up, late for Emily. Since I was t

aking th

e day off for just the two of us to have a special day for her birthday, we had not woken her up. John left at 7:25 to take Ansley and Bailey to school and Emily and I started our big day. The first thing she wanted to do was to make a cake. So we pulled her chair up to the counter, got the ingredients out, and I let her put the various ingredients in to the mixer. Once she had put all the ingredients in she turned it on and we watched it mix up. While it was mixing, Emily picked out a small heart shaped pan for her cake and I got the cup cake pan out. Emily helped me by putting the papers in the pan. Once the batter was ready we filled the pans up and put them in the oven. While the cakes were cooking, I make pancakes for Emily and myself. After Emily and I ate and she watched a little bit of TV (Santa Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), it was time to take showers and get dressed. Once we were ready, we loaded up in the car to get ready to go to my office. For a while, Emily has been asking me to go to work with me. So for a birthday treat, I
promised her I would take her to work. Since it was still a little early and I did not think she would want to stay for a long time, we stopped by Babies R Us to let her pick our birthday and Christmas gifts for Bailey and Ansley. For their birthdays, she picked out a set of
colorful passies for Ansley and some special crayons made for one year
olds. For Christmas, she made it over to the stuffed animal section and picked out these very soft white bunnies for each of them, and managed to get one for her birthday also =) Once we checked out and made it to the car, she came up with the name Lolly for her bunny. We then drove to my work. Emily decided she wanted to ride the elevator up to the second floor where my off

ice was located. When we walked in, she was
immediately drawn to the big Christmas tree in the lobby. After she oohed and
aahed for a little bit, we walked around to Joy's office to say hi. We then slowly made our way around to my desk, stopping to say hi along the way. At my desk, Emily had the best time, drawing on my dry erase board, drawing on various pieces of paper, and sticking tabs on the papers. She was so excited to be at my work. Also while we were at my desk, she wrapped up Lolly in her coat since she
thought she was cold and sang two songs for me, "Deep and Wide" and "Twinkle, Twinkle". Around 11:15, I thought it was time to get Joy and us head for lunch. Since Joy needed to run a few errands afterwards, we took
separate cars. On the way out, we stopped by Karen's desk for her to see Emily.
Between Emily's charm and Karen's love of kids,
Karen gave Emily a big box of crayons, some gum, and several tabs (Emily thinks of them as stickers). We then drove over to Rafferty's to have lunch, we picked a
restaurant so that Emily could have happy birthday sung to her. While we were there, Emily colored, took pictures with my camera, ate her chicken nuggets, gave us a little dance show of her "interpretive" dance. Towards the end, we asked about doing something for her birthday, but it turned out they did not sing, but they brought her out some
ice cream. Once she was done, we headed for th

e car. Within a few minutes of leaving the
restaurant, I got a call that Bailey had pink eye, so we went to the school to pick her up. When we arrived, Ansley was asleep and I was thinking I would have to take Bailey to the doctor, so we let Ansley stay. Once we were on the say home, I received a call back from the nurse letting me know th

ey could call Bailey something in for her eye so we headed home to let the girls nap. After Emily was awake, she helped me ice her cake and put on the sprinkles. We then headed for the pharmacy to pick up Bailey's medicine. While we were going, I called John and he said he would be running a little late, so we headed to pick up Ansley after going by
CVS. On the way home, we also picked up pizza from Little
Cesar's since that is what Emily wanted for her birthday dinner. Once we got home, I fed the little ones while we waited for John to make it home. When he arrived, we had pizza.

Emily was so excited to open her presents, I brought those down from the office and let her dive in. She started with the present from Ansley,

Honey Bee Hop, then it was on to Bailey's gift, a house that she could draw on, and then she opened the one from John and I, an easel. She really liked the gifts and was ready for her cake. I lighted the candles, we sung Happy Birthday, and she blew out her four candles. Of
course, the birthday girl was the first to get a piece, then I cut one for John and Bailey, and then one for Ansley and myself. As soon as I sat down, Ansley quickly reached out and grabbed the whole piece. It was so funny to see cake all over her. Emil

laughed hysterically =) After cake time, I bathed Ansley and
Bailey, while John worked on putting together the easel. Once the girls were dressed, I also worked on putting together her
Honey Bee Hop. She loved coloring on her easel and then jumping over her
Honey Bee Hop. Once the little ones were put to bed, I then worked on putting together her house. She was so excited to color on it and go in and out of the door once it was together. We then found a place in the dining room for her to keep her house and she took a lot of her little toys into her
house. After a long day of fun, it was time to get ready for bed and after watching a few minutes of TV to settle down, and giving John a hug goodnight, she wanted me to carry her to bed. I then tucked her in with Lolly and Blanket (something she still needs to sleep with ever night). It was a great da

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