On Thursday evening, December 13th, I attended the GMOMC Christmas party at Ann Marie Sanderson's house in Simpsonville. When I arrived a few of the girls were already there, including Lisa Cox, Leah Howard, and Mary Clevenger. We all visited and ate as various girls arrived. In total there were about 25 moms that came. After we all spent a while just mingling, we all piled into Ann Marie's living room where we prepared to do an ornament exchange with "Dirty Santa". We started by drawing numbers, and then one by one picking an ornament to open. The first person to pick was Jen Osborne. Her's was immediately taken so it was time for her to choose again. As we were going through, I happen to see an ornament I liked (a white bell shaped ornament with a Santa on top) and kept my eye out until it was my turn to pick. I was in luck, because it was the third time it had been stolen, so it was frozen when Jennifer tried to steal it in the end =) After the ornament exchange was over, we all talked a while and then it was time for me to head home. Outside Lisa, Mary, and I talked until it was almost 10:00. 

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