On Thursday night,

December 18th, Emily had her school performance "From the inside out". In order for John and I both to go, Carmen so graciously agreed to keep Ansley and Bailey while we attended the show. Since Emily needed to be there no later than 6:15, after I fed here and the twins and got Emily dressed for the show, Emily and I left for the school while John stayed at the house and waited for Carmen to come by later. When Emily and I arrived, there were already several people there, so we followed the crowds into the Primary School building and then asked where we were suppose to go. Emily's class was upstairs in the computer lab so we made our way up there. She

was very excited to see her friends and after she found a seat with them, I said goodbye and headed back out to the car in order to get the flowers I had gotten her for the end of the show. Luckily I had been able to keep them hidden so that it would be a surprise. On the way out to the car, I got a call from Mom saying she was there, so I met up with her and we walked out to get the flowers before heading to the gym to find a seat. When we got to the gym, there were surprisingly already a lot of people there, but we were able to find some good seats and wait on the show. Before long, John called saying that he was at the school, but could not find where to go, so I went to get him and then we made our way to the gym. Unfortunately right before the show started Mom got a call from the hospital and she had to go to work. Before long, the lights dimmed and the show began. It started with the older kids coming out to sing one song. After that was over, Emily's class started filing in. She was so excited to see us, she posed on the way up to the stage. The first song was "I promise". We had been hearing previews of this one for many weeks from Emily and it was very cute. She really got in to the motions. After they were done with that song, her class

exited the stage and took a break until the last song "It starts with me". After the show was over, John and I made our way up to the computer lab to pick up Emily. When we arrived, John gave Emily the flowers and she was thrilled. The three of us then made our way back to the gym for the after party. While we were there, Emily saw her music teacher and went over to give he
r a hug and show her the flowers. The teacher accidentaly misunderstood and thought Emily was giving her the flowers. Emily talked to her teacher and asked if she would share the flowers, so it wound up that they split them. Unfortunately Emily ended up being sad after the teacher was gone since she did not have all her flowers. However we were able to talk to her and she perked back up. Since we didn't want to inconvenience Carmen, John headed home while Emily and I stayed at the party. While we were there, Emily got some cake and ate with her friend Victoria

on the stage. After she was done and had said all her goodbyes, we headed home.
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