After a while, the baby started getting hungry, so it was time to give her back to Ann Marie. Soon it was time to start the game "dirty santa". As Katie described the game for those who did not know what it was, we found out all rules were off =) It really lead to a very fun game!!!
The hot items ended up being a bottle of soap from Bath & Body Work and two different bottles of wine. When my number (9) was called I decided to go for a surprise with one of the items that were still wrapped. My present was quickly stolen so I decided to steal the bot
tle of soap from Tammy Ryback. However, the soap was stolen right away. Once it was stolen, I decided to go for one of the bottles of wine. Throughout the game, my item continued to get stolen and I went back and forth about stealing the soap or the wine. In the end, I wound up with the bottle of soap. After the game was up, we all enjoyed visiting and after most of the crowd cleared out, the board and I stayed around until 11 to thoroughly clean the club house so that we could get back our security deposit. It was a great night!!

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