After many months of planning, the day arrived for the start of our semi-annual UMOMC consi

gnment sale on March 6th. Around 11, my Dad came over to our house, helped me load my piles of stuff to sale high attop his truck, and then he watched the kids while I headed to the bank in order to pick up the change for the sale. In usual fashion, I am always shocked at how much I have to sale and this year was no exception as Daddy's truck was stuffed inside and out and the toddler beds were strapped to the top of the pile/roof. I drove very slowly

to the bank and then on to the Church where I met up

with Leah. Since there were enough people to go help me pick up the rack, LEah stayed at the Church to help set up and wait for people to arrive. Three other girls and I headed for the UHaul place, I picked up the truck, and then we headed to the storage facility to pick up the racks. With all the extra helpers (usually just Leah and I) it went quickly and we were on the way back to the Church. When we arrived, I backed in the

truck and we started to unload the racks and th

en assemble them. The afternoon flew by as usual as people started coming to drop off their stuff. Before we knew it, it was time for the sale to start. Althoguht it was the usual mad dash, we didn't have nearly as many people as usual. We had lots of fun talking to people and working our tails off trying to make it all work. Things went great and we were able to get out of the Church in record time. Several of us then went downtown to Mellow Mushroom for pizza. I finally rolled home and in bed by about 1 and then back up early the next morning in order to be back at the Church by 7:30. Unlike Friday night on the memebers only night, we had record turn out on Saturday and we very pleased that the sale was a huge sucess!!
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