Thursday, February 14, 2008

Emily's Class Party for Valentiens Day at Palmetto Prep 2-14-08

After leaving Ansley and Bailey's class party, I made my way to Emily's class for her party. When I arrived the kids were eating their goodies and having a great time. After Emily was finished she showed me around her new class. One thing she showed me was her rainbow. The way it works is when the kid does something htey are suppose to, they get to add a color to their rainbow. At the end of the day, the goal is to have a full rainbow. After that, she showed me the rest of her room and we even went over to the circle area where it was time for the dance party portion of the party.

Ansley and Bailey's Class Valentines Party at Palmetto Prep 2-14-08

After another crazy week in busy season, I slipped away for an hour to the girls new school to participate in their Valentines Party. When I first arrived, the children were seated and it was time to start passing out their goodies. The kids were so excited that when one person's plate was passed out beside Ansley, she swiped his banana. Quickly all the kids got plates and were digging in. On of Ansley's favorites were the creatos. Bailey seemed to love the cookies the most, but still dug in to all of it. It was very. In addition to their stacks, the kids exchanged valentines during the day. Everyone had a great time, until it was time for me to slip off to Emily class party.

Monday, February 11, 2008

New School (Palmetto Prep)

After three great years as a part of the CWE family at First Baptist Mauldin, we decided that it would be best for the girls to move preschools. On Friday February 8th, it was a tearful goodby for me to some of the teachers we had grown to love, like Mrs. Teresa (who had been in the infant room since Emily was there) and Mrs. Tasha (Emily's 2K teacher). Althoguh we thought the move was best for the girls, it is still hard to say goodby to those you love.

On Monday February 11th, John and I drove the girls to their new school, Palmetto Prep. When we arrived Emily seemed very excited. As we came in, we first spoke with one of the director's staff to get any last minute details, including our door codes. As is turned out we had grown up together in Sugar Creek. It is quite a small world. She the took us to their class where we met their teachers. who all seemed very nice. After droppong off Ansley and Bailey, John and I took Emily to her class. She was very excited and it was had to get a hug and a by. She was off and playing.

When I arrived to pick the girls up in the afternoon, they seem to have all had great days. Emily was very excited about all that she did and learned, And the babies seem to be thriving.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tigers, Elephants, and Goats oh my

On Saturday morning, Emily and I headed to Stax to meet Daddy, Mason, and Sydney prior to going to the circus. When we arrived, we were just in time to order with the group. Emily and I jsut had a snack since we had breakfast earlier. Around 10, we all packed up in Daddy's car and headed downtown to see the circus. We parked in the garage and walked to the front of the Bi-lo center to pick up our tickets at will call. As were were on the way in, security let me know that I was not able to take in the camers =( So no circus pictures for us. The kids were really excited so walked down to the center ring to check everything out. About the time they were asking us to return to our seats, Emily got to give a clown a hug. She thought that was really neat. As a special treat, Daddy gave each of the kids money to pick out the suveneer of their choice. Emily immediatly found a light up princess wand and was sold. Then it was time for the show. We had a great spot on the bottom floor. At first, Emily was a little spooked by all the noise and lights, but she quickly got into the show. For most of the first half she sat in my lap eating her popcorn and dancing back and forth. Towards the end she wanted to sit with Mason. Emily was amazed when the elephants started coming out and then the trick riders. There were many spectacular performances between the animals, acrobatics, singing, dancing, and the clowns. All of the kids seemed to throughly enjoy themsleves. After it was over, we went by Chick-fil-a for a snack, before heading home.