Friday, April 11, 2008

Camping at Paris Mountain 4-11-08

Emily has been so excited for the weather to warm up in order to go camping. So now that it is nice, John reserved a spot at Paris Mountain and him and Walker went to pick Emily up from school Friday and made there way up to the camp site. That afternoon, Ansley, Bailey and I drove over to check them out. When we arrived, Emily was in her princess dress and the kids were having a great time!! Since the bounce house was going, we let the little ones get in. They loved it!!! After playing a while, John made hotdogs and we ate. It was such a nice day that after eating, we played around the site a little while before the kids wanted to head to the playground.

We drove over to the play ground and the kids had a great time roaming around. Walker and Emily had fun on the slides and other playground equipment and soon Daddy arrived from work for a visit. Bailey was really doing great with her new found skill, walking around and Ansley made great strides by taking several steps in a row many times. After playing a while, we walked around the lake to where the waterfall was. Emily of course wanted to get in so we let her put her feet in. We enjoyed the falls for a little bit and then walked back around to the car. Since it was getting late, I packed up the little ones and John, Walker, and Emily headed back to the camp site. Unfortunately, during the night, they had very bad storms, but the kids begged to stay. They stayed into the day some Saturday, but due to the weather, the camping trip had to be aborted.

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