Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mauldin Fest 2008

On Saturday evening, September 20th, we made our way over to Sunset Park for the annual Mauldin Fest. When we arrived, we walked in to the main area, listened to one song by the band, and then the kids were ready to go ride some rides. On our way up to the ticket booth we ran into Heather Enoch from the Multiples Club. We chatted for a second and then got in line to get some tickets. By coincidence, we happen to run in to Kim, Alan, and Helen. We all made our way over to the balloon ride and loaded up. Bailey, Emily, and I were in one balloon. John and Ansley loaded up in another balloon and Allan and Hellen loaded up in another. All the kids had a great time!! After the balloon ride, Emily and John headed off to ride some various rides, while the Walkers, the twins, and I headed to see if we could find a toddler area. Unlike in past years, they did not have a set area set up, but we did see a caterpillar ride that I thought the girls would like. It was only for kids ten and under so I got the little ones strapped in. Kim was hesitant about Helen, but gave in about letting her ride. As it turned out, Bailey decided it was to much separation from me, so she got out and Ansley had to follow Bailey. Therefore, Helen ended up riding by herself. After that ride, we met back up with John and Emily while the Walkers headed home. We made our way down to the grassy area since we heard there was suppose to be a guy who would fly using helium balloons. We got over to the area where he was suppose to launch and got to see him with all the balloons strapped on. It was quite the sight to see. The little ones wanted to walk so Emily and John stayed over where they were going to launch while the little ones and I walked around and made our way towards the stage. That was the highlight for them as they showed the crowd how they could dance =) Emily and John made it over soon and she also iimpressed everyone with her dance skills. After dancing and enjoying some ice cream, we all headed back up to the rides, where Emily enjoyed one of the big slides, while Ansley and Emily both enjoyed the small fairs wheel. Bailey started with them, but was still having separation issues, so she stayed grounded with me =)
Next, Emily and John moved on to some of the rides Emily wanted to go on, while the little ones and I had a great time at the playground. We finished up our lovely evening by walking around to the boots on our way out.

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