Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

On December 24th we started the morning out with a family breakfast, got ready, and then all headed out to the store so that John could pick out the two gifts he wanted to personally choose. Later that afternoon, we all headed over to the Jefferson's to visit and enjoyed some Christmas lights on the way home. When we arrived home, we gave the girls their presents from us and let them exchange gifts with each other. They all had a great time playing with their gifts. Emily's favorite item was a glow station (a board you can write on in the dark), Bailey seemed to love a stamp set she got from Emily, and Ansley loved her microphone that played various songs, including twinkle twinkle (her all time favorite). After everyone played a little while, I dressed them all in their new Christmas jammies and they enjoyed some more play time. When the little ones were getting tired, we put them to bed and then helped Emily with baking cookies for Santa. Once the cookies were done and we set them out by the fireplace, we read her the Christmas story and tucked her in.

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