Wednesday, April 15, 2009


On Easter morning, Emily work us all up in the pre crack of dawn. We were able to entertain her a little until we got the twins up to go check out what the Easter bunny left. When we got downstairs, all the girls seemed very excited and took time looking through their baskets. The first things they really got into were the suckers and sunglasses. After they played with their stuff a little, I started working on making waffles for breakfast. Once we had breakfast, got everyone showered and dressed, we headed outside. There, we presented the girls each with their own Bibles to take with them to church. They seemed to really enjoy getting them. After that, we played with the chicks and ducks before heading to church to meet the Sizemore group.

After church we all headed back to my Dad's where the kids played with the chicks and ducks, ate lunch, had an Easter egg hunt, and then worked on a special painting project Leslie had come up with. All the kids seemed to thoroughly enjoy painting.

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