Saturday, October 20, 2007

Playing on the Beach with Cousins

On Friday, Daddy and Katrina called to say they were thinking about heading to the IOP since the other condo was free for the weekend. By late that evening, Daddy, Katrina, Christina, Leslie, Megan, and Blake all made their way to the IOP. The next morning, Daddy and I took Emily, Christian, and Blake over to the Sea Biscuit for breakfast. After eating a hearty breakfast, we started walking back to the condos. We decided to make a brief stop off to visit Bubba the McCall at the surf shop on the strip. Once we made it back to the condos, we all decided to head out to the beach. A cool front had moved in Friday night, so it was not quite as warm as it had been during the week, but it was still quite nice. Emily and Christian had the best time playing in the water. The little ones also enjoyed being at the beach, playing with toys and being carried around.

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