Friday, March 21, 2008

Bailey at 15 months

Today, March 21, 2008 was Bailey's 15 month well check. This was our first visit to see Dr. Jones at Parkside Pediatrics. Over all she is doing great. Other than another ear infection. Her stats were as follows:

Weight 24.8 lbs 79%
Height 32.5in 96%
Head 18.5 in 81%

Some of the things she is doing at 15 months is:

1. Pulling up
2. Standing up without pulling up on something
3. Will take several steps at a time without help
4. She sucks her thumb, while holding a blanket in her hand
5. Shoe size 4 1/2
6. 18 month clothing
7. Says several words, MaMa, DaDa, Thank you, etc
8. Loves to eat!!! Gets mad if you are eating and not feeding her and eats pretty much anything.
9. She is a big sleeper
10. Is very clingy to me
11. She has two bottom teeth

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